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June Issue 2004

Center for the Arts in Belton, SC, Features Landscape Exhibition

The Belton Center for the Arts in Belton, SC, is presenting the exhibition, Landscapes: A Mixed Media Perspective, featuring works by Betsy Bayne, Jane Todd Butcher, Barbara Mickelsen Ervin, Susan Lenz, Joe Park, Beth Bullman Regula, and Bill Robertson. The exhibit will be on view through July 10, 2004.

The description of the word landscape is as follows: (lánd skàyp) noun (plural land·scapes) 1. visually distinct scenery: an expanse of scenery of a particular type, especially as much as can be seen by the eye 2. painting of view: a painting, drawing, or photograph of scenery, especially rural scenery 3. the painting or drawing of scenery: the branch of art dealing with the painting, drawing, or photography of scenery.

Betsy Bayne

The exhibition will feature the landscape as interpreted by the artist's eye and explored in a variety of media: photography, fiber, oil, printmaking, polymer clay, watercolor, and watermedia collage. Texture and technique color and composition are worked and weaved to create mood and feeling in works by Betsy Bayne (oil on paper), Jane Todd Butcher (watermedia collage), Barbara Mickelsen Ervin (printmaking), Susan Lenz (fiber), Joe Park (watercolor), Beth Bullman Regula (polymer clay), and Bill Robertson (photography).

From the realistic to the representational and from watercolor farmhouses to fiber tree lines on water-soluble fabric the viewer will journey to landscapes both familiar and exotic. Beth Bullman Regula, a polymer clay artist from Roebuck, SC, says the basis for her work is "The moving line, forever restless Seeking to define shapes and forms"

Jane Todd Butcher from Greer, SC, who works primarily in watermedia collage, prefers for work to only "suggest a place or image" intending for the viewer to experience her work on an emotional rather than literal level, sensing feelings and memories rather than recognizing a particular landmark or place.

Betsy Bayne from Greenville,SC, who works primarily with oil on paper is a regional favorite with her dramatic often stormy compositions that focus on light, color and texture.

For more info check our SC Institutional Gallery listings, call 864/338-8556, or on the web at (www.beltonsc.com).

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