
Feature Articles

June 2013

Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn on Hilton Head Island, SC, Offers Group Exhibit

The Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn on Hilton Head Island, SC, is presenting sfu ma to (n) without lines or borders, featuring works by seven local artists, on view in the Hilton Head Regional Health Care Temporary Exhibit Gallery, through July 7, 2013.

The artists include Halley Yates, Liz McGinnes, David Warren, Sara Lucas, Maxine Uttal, Susan Patton and L. Robert Stanfield. The TGIF Artists meet weekly to share the energy of a creative community. This exhibition represents a compilation of individual talent, points of view, and artistic media. It presents an experience for the artists and the viewer which extends beyond the obvious.

For further information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings, call the Museum at 843-689-6767 ext 223 or visit (www.coastaldiscovery.org).

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