Feature Articles

September Issue 2000

Paint Spot & Gift Gallery in Black Mountain, NC, Features Works by Cathy Robinson

Cathy Robinson's abstract expressionistic works will be featured in an exhibit titled, Communicating Emotion with Color at the Paint Spot & Gift Gallery in Black Mountain, NC, from Sept. 1 through Sept. 30.

A former resident of Hendersonville, NC, Robinson now resides in Hendersonville, TN. She is the founder of Christian Creativity, a company which shares inspirational messages through paintings and photography. She began her career with the Hendersonville Times-News at the age of 15. Robinson attended the University of North Carolina as a Morehead Scholar and is a former journalist, professional photographer and television producer. Her published works include biography, fiction, poetry and numerous articles. She began working with watercolor and acrylics in 1991, and now her paintings hang in many fine homes in the Southeast.

Says Robinson, "God's imagination eclipses mine. And when I strap myself in on God's roller coaster, my art races beyond where I could go alone. For in the act of creativity, we strive to express the best of God within us: To inspire, to challenge, to build an intimate relationship with those who encounter our art. For the creation of art is at its finest an expression of our spirituality, the fused connection of our souls and that of our Creator. And as an artist, I find my work is not restrained by spatial boundaries, but by the scope of my spirituality!"

Robinson continues, "God has filled our world with vibrant colors. He has also given us a wide range of emotions. My paintings are heavily influenced by the work of the Abstract Expressionists, especially Hans Hofmann and Jackson Pollock, who used color to communicate emotion. The intense hues and dramatic juxtapositions of color in my paintings are reminders of life's complexity and the emotions which we face daily, such as joy, hope, discouragement, or determination. In the Christian life, we are called to experience joy and thankfulness through everything which happens to us--which is why my paintings are filled with bright colors and the tube of cadmium yellow stays close to empty!"

For further information check our NC Commercial Gallery listings or call the gallery at 828/669-3813 or e-mail to (thepaintspot1@juno. com).

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Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2000 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2000 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.